Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 4, 2016

Tinh thần của trò chơi Ultimate Frisbee

Tinh thần của trò chơi ném đĩa (Spirit of the Ultimate Game) là gì?

Trong bài viết trước, CLB ném đĩa đã giới thiệu sơ qua cho các bạn về bộ môn Ném đĩa (Ultimate), hi vọng các bạn đã có một hình dung ban đầu về bộ môn thể thao thú vị này. Hôm nay, chúng ta cũng sẽ cùng tìm hiểu xem Tinh thần của trò chơi (Spirit of the Game, SOTG) – một trong những điều khiến cho Ultimate Frisbee khác với những môn thể thao thi đấu khác – là gì nhé ^^

Đĩa ném Frisbee Ultimate
Spirit of the Frisbee Ultimate Game

I. Trích dẫn từ Luật Ultimate Frisbee: Phiên bản thứ 11

-Lời tựa: “Tính toàn vẹn của ném đĩa Ultimate phụ thuộc vào trách nhiệm của mỗi người chơi trong việc duy trì Spirit of the Game, và trách nhiệm này là cực kỳ quan trọng.”

-Chương 1. Giới thiệu, phần B: “Spirit of the Game. Ultimate dựa trên một tinh thần thể thao trong đó đề cao tính fair play của mỗi người chơi. Tính cạnh tranh cao trong trận đấu được khuyến khích, nhưng không bao giờ được đánh đổi điều đó với sự tôn trọng lẫn nhau giữa các đối thủ, việc tuân thủ các điều luật đã được quy định hay niềm vui khi được chơi Ultimate. Việc bảo vệ những yếu tố này giúp loại bỏ những hành vi phi thể thao diễn ra trong sân thi đấu. Những hành động như khiêu khích đối thủ, hung hăng, đe dọa, cố ý vi phạm lỗi hay mọi hành vi “thắng bằng mọi giá” (win-at-all-costs) khác đều là đi ngược lại với Spirit of the Game và mọi người chơi đều phải tránh.”

Spirit of the Game khiến cho Ultimate khác biệt với các môn thể thao thi đấu đồng đội khác. Trong hơn 30 năm, Ultimate đã phát triển và đạt tới một trình độ có tính cạnh tranh cao, mà không cần sử dụng đến các trọng tài. Một trong những điều tuyệt vời của Ultimate - đĩa ném, đó là trong bất kỳ tình huống khó khăn nào, sự khoan dung tối đa luôn được sử dụng để giải quyết các vấn đề.


1. Quy tắc vàng: Đối xử với người khác theo cách mà bạn muốn được đối xử.

Những trận đấu đĩa ném Frisbee đẹp là kết quả có được từ sự tôn trọng lẫn nhau giữa các đối thủ.

2. Kiểm soát: Tinh thần trò chơi ném đĩa cần nỗ lực thực sự

SOTG không chỉ là những nguyên tắc trừu tượng mà mọi người áp dụng và sau đó trận đấu sẽ chạy một cách suôn sẻ mà không cần bất cứ nỗ lực nào. Những tiếng thông báo lỗi gần nhau xuất hiện trong những trận đấu căng thẳng. Những lỗi lớn bị vi phạm. SPIRIT OF THE FRISBEE GAME là về cách bạn tự kiểm soát bản thân dưới áp lực như thế nào: cách bạn kiểm soát cảm xúc, chế ngự sự bình tĩnh và điều chỉnh giọng nói của bạn.

3. Châm chọc (Heckling) và Khiêu khích (Taunting) là khác nhau.

Ultimate có một truyền thống về châm chọc theo hướng tốt (good-natured heckling). Những lời đó mang tính chất thân thiện, thường xuất phát từ những người xem không tham gia thi đấu. Châm chọc có thể vui, nhưng khiêu khích là sai và phản tinh thần.  VIệc nhại đi nhại lại một lỗi của đối thủ hay một lượt đấu gay cấn KHÔNG PHẢI là châm chọc; đó là lạm dụng những lời khiêu khích, có thể tạo ra không khí chơi không thoải mái và thường dẫn đến những tranh luận gay gắt.

4. Tinh thần trò chơi ném đĩa hoàn toàn phù hợp với cấp độ thi đấu cao nhất

Thật là một sai lầm khi cho rằng điểm số là rất quan trọng đến mức mà một số khía cạnh của SOTG có thể được gạt sang một bên. Qua thời gian, rất nhiều đội tuyệt vời và những người chơi giỏi đã cho thấy rằng chúng ta có thể thi đấu với tính cạnh tranh và lòng nhiệt tình mà không cần phải hi sinh tính fair play hay sự tôn trọng đối thủ.

5. Đừng “cho như bạn đã nhận” (“give as you got”)

Không bao giờ có “ăn miếng trả miếng”. Nếu bạn bị người khác lỗi, bạn không có quyền đi lỗi lại ai đó để trả đũa. Trong những trường hợp khẩn cấp khi bạn thường xuyên bị người khác phạm lỗi, bạn có thể nói vấn đề đó với đội trưởng, trưởng BTC giải đấu hoặc kể cả là gửi một lời phàn nàn tới cơ quan điều hành. Nếu bạn trả đũa bằng hành động, có thể lời phàn nàn đó sẽ dành cho bạn. Hãy nhớ điều 1: Đối xử với người khác theo các mà bạn muốn họ đối xử với bạn.

6. Hít thở.

Sau một lỗi nặng hay một lượt chơi tranh cãi, hãy lùi một bước, dừng lại, và hít thật sâu. Giữa sức nóng của sự cạnh tranh, cảm xúc thường không ổn định. Bằng cách tự cho mình một ít thời gian và không gian, bạn sẽ có đủ các quan điểm để tập trung vào những dữ kiện liên quan đến việc tranh cãi (cô ấy đã ra ngoài hay chưa, bạn đánh vào tay người kia hay là cái Frisbee, sự cản đó có ảnh hưởng đến lượt chơi không…). Sự kiềm chế của bạn sẽ nhận lại được thứ tương tự từ phía đối thủ. Khi mà xung đột đã được ngăn chặn, bạn có thể trở lại với cuộc chơi như bình thường.

7. Khi bạn làm điều đúng, mọi người sẽ để ý

Khi bạn bỏ qua mọi sự công kích tới mình, bạn biết bạn đã làm một điều đúng đắn. Có thể sẽ không có một lời khen ngợi hay tràng vỗ tay hoan hô nào cả, nhưng mọi người sẽ chú ý. Như một lẽ thường tình, sự tôn trọng dành cho bạn và trân trọng trận đấu sẽ tăng lên.

8. Hãy rộng lượng với những lời khen ngợi.

Khen ngợi đối thủ vì một cú bắt tốt, khen ngợi đồng đội vì sự thành thật khi đã tự hô “Ra ngoài”, nhìn thẳng vào mắt người chơi và chúc mừng khi bắt tay họ sau trận đấu, tất cả những hành động nhỏ đó sẽ làm tăng tinh thần thể thao rất nhiều, một khoản đánh đổi tương xứng cho những nỗ lực của bạn.

9. Những ấn tượng thì sẽ lưu lại lâu.

Không chỉ nhận ra rằng những hành động đúng đắn của bạn sẽ được nhớ rất lâu và góp phần vào việc ngăn chặn thói quen xấu, chúng còn có thể truyền cảm hứng cho những việc tốt hơn. Rất nhiều người chơi kì cựu rất thích nhớ lại cuộc gặp gỡ đầu tiên của họ với những người chơi ưu tú khác trên sân và có thể kể chi tiết về nó. Một cuộc gặp gỡ với một cầu thù trẻ ấn tượng có thể có một tác động tích cực lâu dài.

10. Hãy vui vẻ.

Tất cả những thứ khác đều là như nhau, trận đấu sẽ trở nên vui vẻ hơn nữa khi mà không có sự ác cảm trong đó. Nhiệt tình. Chơi đẹp. Và vui vẻ.

III. Lời kết

Oh, bài viết khá là dài phải không các bạn? Hi vọng sau bài viết này, tất cả các bạn sẽ biết rõ Tinh thần trò chơi ném đĩa SOTG là cái gì, SOTG vận hành như thế nào, và kết quả nó mang lại là ra sao. Để được chơi Ultimate và thực hành SOTG trên sân, các bạn nhớ chú ý theo dõi facebook của CLB để biết được thời gian của các buổi tập nhé ^^

Hãy nhớ, “Đối xử với người khác theo cách mà bạn muốn họ đối xử với mình”. Hẹn gặp lại các bạn ở bài viết sau!!!


(Bài viết có sử dụng thông tin từ trang CLB NÉM ĐĨA FRISBEE:
Fanpage đĩa ném

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 4, 2016

Giới thiệu đĩa ném Frisbee Hà Nội

Giới thiệu đĩa ném Frisbee Hà Nội

Ném đĩa bay (Ultimate) hay còn được nhiều người biết đến với tên gọi Frisbee là một môn thể thao ngoài trời, rất phát triển ở các nước phương Tây như Mỹ, Anh… Mặc dù đã có từ lâu, được biết đến rộng rãi tại nhiều nơi trên thế giới; bộ môn ném đĩa này đang là một trào lưu mới đối với nhiều bạn trẻ Việt.
Khi chơi ném đĩa, thông thường,sẽ có hai đội. Mỗi đội 7 người, có thể chơi chung nam nữ hoặc tách riêng. Sân thi đấu tiêu chuẩn có chiều dài 100m, chiều ngang 37m. Trong đó mỗi đầu sân đều có một khu vực được gọi là “Endzone” dài 18m để ghi điểm (bằng cách truyền đĩa được đến tay đồng đội).
Môn thể thao ném đĩa Frisbee hấp dẫn giới trẻ Hà Nội

Đĩa ném thể thao - Frisbee là dạng vật thể khí động học có kết cấu đơn giản nhất để có thể bay lượn êm ái và lướt đi trong không khí với một đường bay ổn định. Bạn có thể chủ động định hình đường bay bằng động tác ném xoay đĩa theo các hướng và góc độ khác nhau. Tùy thuộc vào địa hình, điều kiện gió và kỹ thuật ném mà bạn có thể chủ động được quỹ đạo bay như mong muốn. Bạn có thể sử dụng Frisbee thể thao cho nhiều mục đích khác nhau như giải trí, thư giãn cùng bàn bè ở các không gian rộng, nâng cao sức khỏe với các bài tập vận động toàn thân, rèn luyện khả năng tư duy và sử lý nhanh nhạy... Ngoài ra bạn cũng có thể kết hợp sử dụng Frisbee với các trò chơi, hoạt động ngoài trời khác hoặc sử dụng để huấn luyện, chơi đùa cùng các con vật nuôi...
Đĩa ném Frisbee thi đấu

Đĩa ném Frisbee là môn thể thao vui nhộn, hấp dẫn mọi người và có tính gắn kết tập thể cao. Môn thể thao ngoài trời này đặc biệt dễ dàng tham gia, dễ dàng tiếp cận bởi mức đầu tư cực kỳ hợp lý. Đĩa ném Frisbee thể thao loại cao cấp với thiết kế khí động học tối ưu và khả năng chống lại gần như mọi va đập trong phạm vi sức ném của con người...

Đĩa ném Frisbee thể thao tiêu chuẩn 

Đĩa bay Frisbee dùng trong thi đấu với đủ các điều kiện:
- Nặng: 175g, Đường kính: 27.5cm
- Hạn chế tối đa lực cản không khí, tối ưu hóa tầm bay của đĩa khi ném.
- Rất bền so với sức ném của con người.

Câu lạc bộ ném đĩa bay - Frisbee - Hà Nội
Clb ném đĩa Hà Nội tiếp tục mở buổi hướng dẫn chơi ném đĩa Frisbee, ấn định vào các ngày Thứ 5 hàng tuần tại sân bóng trường Thực Nghiệm.
Bạn có thể đến tìm hiểu, và tham gia miễn phí trong buổi tập đầu tiên với câu lạc bộ! Người mới đến luôn được các thành viên khác chào đón nồng nhiệt và chỉ cần đóng một khoản phí nhỏ (30.000 đồng) chia sẻ tiền sân.
- Link đăng ký dành cho những bạn tham gia buổi đầu tiên:
- Thời gian tập: 8h30-10h tối Thứ 5 hàng tuần
- Địa điểm: sân bóng Trường Thực Nghiệm, 50 Liễu Giai, Ba Đình, HN
Câu lạc bộ ném đĩa Frisbee ở Hà Nội
Mua Frisbee, miễn phí vận chuyển ở Hà Nội:
            Thanh toán an toàn với Bảo Kim !
Đại lý đĩa ném Frisbee Hà Nội
Liên hệ Tuấn Anh - Phân phối và cung cấp đĩa ném Frisbee trên địa bàn Hà Nội và miền Bắc.
Điện thoại: 0916.981089 / 77, Đại La, HBT, Hà Nội.

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 4, 2016

Các kỹ thuật ném đĩa Frisbee: Backhand và Forehand

Các kỹ thuật ném đĩa Frisbee

1, Kỹ thuật ném đĩa Backhand:

Đây là kỹ thuật ném đĩa Frisbee đơn giản nhất, thích hợp với mọi người. Mời các bạn xem video hướng dẫn ném đĩa.

2, Kỹ thuật ném đĩa Forehand:

Kỹ thuật ném Forehand khá khó hơn so với ném đĩa Backhand, tuy nhiên, sau một thời gian luyện tập, bạn sẽ nắm vững được Forehand và thích kiểu ném đĩa này hơn.

Thông thường khi thi đấu Frisbee, các cầu thủ thường linh hoạt sử dụng cả 2 kỹ thuật này. Trên thực tế, có rất nhiều các ném đĩa Frisbee sáng tạo, bạn có thể tham khảo thêm tại Kênh Youtube:

Chúc các bạn nắm vững được các kỹ thuật này và có những trận đấu ném đĩa Frisbee thật vui vẻ!
Frisbee Hanoi - Tuấn Anh - 0916.981089 - 77Đại La, HBT, HN.

Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 4, 2015

Ultimate Frisbee là gì?


Rất nhiều bạn mới hoặc những bạn chưa biết đến Ultimate (dịch sang Tiếng Việt nôm na là Ném đĩa hay Đĩa ném) có nghĩa là gì? Và còn lăn tăn trong việc liệu mình có nên thử chơi môn thể thao với cái tên "lạ hoắc" này hay không ^^ Vậy thì hãy dành chút thời gian và đọc bài viết dưới đây nhé ^^ Sau đó thì có cho mình một quyết định... nên hay không nên :3

Ultimate hay Ném đĩa là gì?

Ultimate là một môn thể thao chơi với một cái đĩa. Ultimate (Ném đĩa) chơi theo đội, ít va chạm, rất thú vị, được chơi bởi hàng ngàn người trên thế giới. Môn thể thao này tổng hợp những yếu tố tốt nhất của các môn thể thao khác: bóng đá, bóng rổ, bóng bầu dục và netball (ném bóng vào rổ ghi điểm, tương tự như môn bóng rổ). Để đạt được tới mức độ cao nhất trong môn thể thao ném đĩa này đòi hỏi người chơi phải có tốc độ, sức chịu đựng và sự nhanh nhẹn. Tuy nhiên, sự đơn giản của các quy tắc giúp cho người mới chơi cảm thấy thú vị và dễ dàng tiếp nhận. Và nó được chơi với một "chiếc đĩa" đang bay trên không trung (a "Frisbee" to the man in the street).

Luật chơi ném đĩa - giải thích đơn giản là:

Trò chơi đĩa ném Ultimate được chơi giữa hai đội, mỗi đội có 7 người trên sân hình chữ nhật lớn. Một đường vẽ trên sân ở hai đầu tạo ra hai "endzones" (như trong bóng bầu dục). Đây là những khu vực mục tiêu để ghi bàn. Một đội ghi điểm khi các thành viên trong đội hoàn thành một đường chuyền tới một thành viên (hoặc nhiều khả năng chạy) trong endzone của đối phương.


Sân đấu ném đĩa Frisbee

Sân chơi Ultimate

Người chơi không thể chạy khi đang cầm đĩa. Bạn nhận được đĩa thì bạn phải cố gắng ném nó cho một cầu thủ khác (giống như bóng rổ ). Bằng việc chuyền từ người này sang người khác, các thành viên trong đội cố gắng để chiếc đĩa hướng về phía "endzone" họ đang tấn công. Nếu đĩa rơi xuống đất hoặc bị chặn hoặc bị bắt bởi đội đối phương, điều đó có nghĩa là chiếc đĩa thuộc về phía đội đối phương. Đĩa ném cũng sẽ được chuyển cho đội đối phương, nếu người được ném đĩa bắt nó ở ngoài khu vực sân đang diễn ra thi đấu.


Trận đấu ném đĩa - Frisbee

Lỗi và "Tinh thần của trò chơi FRISBEE"

Ultimate về cơ bản là một môn thể thao tránh sự va chạm, bất kể sự va chạm nào của những người chơi sẽ bị công bố sau pha va chạm đó. 

Sự độc đáo trong các luật của ném đĩa Ultimate là việc những luật lệ đó được tham khảo bởi tất cả những người thi đấu, thậm chí ở cấp vô địch thế giới, theo một quy tắc ứng xử gọi là "Spirit of the game - Tinh thần của trò chơi". Điều này đặt trách nhiệm cho sự công bằng của những người tham gia trò chơi. Về mặt này, chơi Ultimate là một trải nghiệm hoàn toàn khác so với các môn thể thao khác. Và chính những người chơi là những trọng tài ở trên sân thi đấu.

Bài viết được tham khảo từ wiki,
P.s: Thông qua bài viết trên hy vọng các bạn hiểu phần nào về một môn thể thao còn mới mẻ và vô cùng thú vị này. Tuy nhiên, để hiểu rõ hơn về môn thể thao này thì "CẦM ĐĨA LÊN VÀ NÉM"! 

HUC có buổi tập thứ 5 đặc biệt dành cho các bạn mới muốn thử và trải nghiệm :3 Hy vọng được gặp nhiều bạn trong buổi tối thứ 5 tới đây ^^ See ya :X

Nguồn: HUC - Hanoi Ultimate Club - Câu lạc bộ Ném đĩa Frisbee Hà Nội

Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 7, 2014

All about Frisbee P2

Ultimate Frisbee Rules
Ultimate Frisbee Rules are played differently depending on the place and level of competition. Ultimate frisbee in a casual setting such as a pick-up game can have slightly more laxed rules or more strict rules depending on the ultimate players involved. With that stated, many ultimate frisbee tournaments and most ultimate frisbee leagues abide by the general following guidelines.
Frisbee Hanoi

Progressing the Ultimate Disc Up Field
The Ultimate disc or Frisbee can be thrown in any direction and will remain in the offenses position as long as it is caught by another offensive player on the same team before it hits the ground or is intercepted. After catching a pass, a player is required to come to a stop as quickly as possible, and then can only move their non-pivot foot. Once the disc is caught, the player holding the disc must come to a complete stop as quickly as possible and can only move on a pivot. If the player with possession of the disc is able to throw the disc before being able to come to a complete stop that is acceptable, as long as it's within a few steps. This constant motion of the disc allows the opportunity for the "Greatest" rule possible. A "Greatest" occurs when a player jumps from within bounds to catch a disc that has passed out-of-bounds, this is also known as an "ultimate play". The player must then throw the disc back in-bounds before his feet or any other part of his body touches the ground. The thrower may only catch their own throw if another player touches it in the air.
The 10 second "stall"count can begin once an Ultimate player gains possession of the disc. The count can only be enforced if a defender is counting it out loud. Otherwise the offensive player with possession of the disc may hold onto the disc without passing it indefinitely. If a defensive player switches out with whomever was currently defending the player holding the disc, the stall count must start over.
A point is scored when a player catches a pass in the endzone his team is attacking. In older versions of the rules, only offensive players could score. However, current Hanoi Ultimate and WFDF Ultimate rules allow a defensive team to score by intercepting a pass in the endzone they are defending. This play is referred to as a Callahan goal or simply a Callahan. It is named after the well-known ultimate player, Henry Callahan.
After a point is scored, the teams exchange ends. The team who just scored remains in that end zone, and the opposing team takes the opposite end zone. "Losers walk." Play is re-initiated with a pull by the scoring team.
Change of possession
An incomplete pass results in a change of possession. When this happens the defense immediately becomes the offense and gains possession of the disc. The game continues from the place which the Ultmate disc stoppped or the place where it went out of bounds. Play does not stop because of a turnover.
Reasons for turnovers:
  • Stall — a player on offense does not release the disc before the defender has counted out ten seconds.
  • Throw-away — the thrower misses his target and the disc falls to the ground.
  • Drop — the receiver is not able to catch the disc.
  • Block — a defender deflects the disc in mid flight, causing it to hit the ground.
  • Interception — a defender catches a disc thrown by the offense.
  • Out of bounds — the disc lands out of bounds, hits an object out of bounds or is caught by a player who lands out of bounds or leaps from outside the playing field.
To begin play the ultimate players from each team line up on their endzones, and the defense team pulls (throws) the disc to the other team as a "kick-off". Pulls are usually long throws, and they are thrown in efforts of giving the offiensive team poor field position and a to make it easier for the defense to get down the field to stop advances of the disc.
The pull is often started by a member of the defending team raising one arm with the disc to show that they are ready to pull the disc and begin play and announces "Ultimate!" The team that pulls to start the game is usually decided in a coin toss. Instead of using a coin often an ultimate frisbee disc is used.
Stoppage of Ultimate Play
Play may stop for the following reasons:
A foul is the result of contact between ultimate players, although incidental contact (not affecting the play) does not constitute a foul. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if the possession were retained. If the ultimate player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the disc is returned to the last thrower.
Time outs and half-time
By Eleventh Edition rules, each team is allowed two time outs per half. The halftime break occurs when one team reaches the half-way marker in the score. Since most ultimate games are played to odd numbers, the number for half-time is rounded up. For instance, if the game is to 13, half comes when one team scores 7. A break may also occur if an injury occurs.
Play stops whenever an ultimate player is injured—this is considered an injury time-out. During the duration, it is customary for players on the field to kneel or sit to ensure that they stay in their original positions. The injured person must then leave the field, and a substitute may come in. If an injured player is substituted for, the opposing team may also substitute a player.
While Ultimate Frisbee may be played in a myriad of weather conditions including heavy rain and deep snow (It's A Beautiful Day to Play Ultimate!), nearby lightning should result in stoppage of play with ultimate players seeking shelter.
Ultimate teams are allowed to substitute players after a point is scored or for an injured player after an injury time out.
Players are responsible for foul and out of bounds or scoring line calls. Players resolve their own disputes. This creates a spirit of honesty and respect on the playing field. It is the duty of the player who committed the foul to speak up and admit his violation. Occasionally, official observers are used to aid players in refereeing, known as observers.
The introduction of observers is, in part, an attempt by the Hanoi Ultimate to allow games to run more smoothly and become more spectator-friendly. Because of the nature of play and the unique nature of self-refereeing, ultimate games are often subject to regular and long stoppages of play. This effort and the intensity that has arisen in the highest levels of competition have led many members of the ultimate community to lament the loss of the Spirit of the Game
Ultimate Frisbee Rules: Strategy and Tactics
Ultimate Frisbee Rules
Ultimate Frisbee Strategy: Offense
Ultimate Frisbee teams employ many different offensive strategies with different goals. Most basic strategies are designed to create open paths on the field to complete a pass to a specific receiver. Organized ultimate teams assign positions to the players based on their specific strengths. Designated throwers are called handlers and designated receivers are called cutters. The amount of autonomy or overlap between these positions depends on the make-up of the team.
Vertical Stack
One of the most common ultimate frisbee offensive strategies is the vertical stack. In this strategy, the offense lines up in a straight line along the length of the field. From this position, players in the stack make cuts (sudden sprints out of the stack) towards or away from the handler in an attempt to get open and receive the disc. The stack generally lines up in the middle of the field, thereby opening up two lanes along the sidelines for cuts, although a captain may occasionally call for the stack to line up closer to one sideline, leaving open just one larger cutting lane on the other side.
Horizontal Stack
Another popular offensive ultimate frisbsee strategy is the horizontal stack. In the most popular form of this offense, three handlers line up across the width of the field with four cutters upfield, also lined up across the field. It is the handler's job to throw the disc upfield to the cutters. If no upfield options are available, the handlers swing the disc side to side in an attempt to reset the stall count while also getting the defense out of position.
Many advanced teams develop specific offenses that are variations on the basics in order to take advantage of the strengths of specific players. Frequently, these offenses are meant to isolate a few key players in one-on-one situations, allowing them more freedom of movement and the ability to make most of the plays, while the others play a supporting role.
Players making cuts have two major options in how they cut. They may cut in towards the ultimate disc and attempt to find an open avenue between defenders for a short pass, or they may cut away from the ultimate disc towards the deep field. The deep field is usually sparsely defended but requires the handler to throw a huck (a long downfield throw).
A variation on the horizontal stack offense is called a feature. In this offensive ultimate frisbee strategy three of the cutters line up deeper than usual (roughly 5 yards farther downfield) while the remaining cutter lines up closer to the handlers. This closest cutter is known as the "feature." The idea behind this strategy is that it opens up space for the feature to cut, and at the same time it allows handlers to focus all of their attention on only one cutter. This maximizes the ability for give-and-go strategies between the feature and the handlers. It is also an excellent strategy if one cutter is superior to other cutters, or if he is guarded by someone slower than him. While the main focus is on the handlers and the feature, the remaining three cutters can be used if the feature cannot get open, if there is an open deep look, or for a continuation throw from the feature itself. Typically, however, these three remaining cutters do all they can to get out of the feature's way.
Ultimate Frisbee Rules: Defense
The force
One of the most basic ultimate frisbee defensive principles is the force. In this ultimate frisbee strategy, the marker effectively cuts off the handler's access to half of the field, by aggressively blocking only one side of the handler and leaving the other side open. The unguarded side is called the force side because the thrower is generally forced to throw to that side of the field. The guarded side is called the break-force side because the thrower would have to "break" the force in order to throw to that side.
This is done because, assuming evenly matched players, the advantage is almost always with the handler and against the marker. It is relatively easy for the handler to fake out or outmaneuver a marker who is trying to block the whole field. On the other hand, it is generally possible to effectively block half of the field.
The marker calls out the force side ("force home" or "force away") before starting the stall count in order to alert the other defenders which side of the field is open to the handler. The team can choose the force side ahead of time, or change it on the fly from throw to throw. Aside from forcing home or away, other forces are "force sideline" (force towards the closest sideline), "force center" (force towards the center of the field), and "force up" (force towards either sideline but prevent a throw straight up the field). Another common tactic is to "force forehand" (force the thrower to use their forehand throw) since most players, especially at lower levels of play, have a stronger backhand throw. "Force flick" refers to the forehand; "force back" refers to the backhand.
When the marker calls out the force side, the team can then rely on the marker to block off half the field and position themselves to aggressively cover just the open/force side. If they are playing one-to-one defense, they should position themselves on the force side of their marks, since that is the side that they are most likely to cut to.
The opposite of the "force" is the "straight-up" mark (also called the "no-huck" mark). In this defense, the ultimate player marking the handler positions himself directly between the handler and the end zone and actively tries to block both forehands and backhands. Although the handler can make throws to either side, this is the best defense against long throws ("hucks") to the center of the field.
One-on-one defense
The simplest and often most effective defensive ultimate frisbee strategy is the one-on-one defense (also known as "man-on-man" or simply "man"), where each defender guards a specific offensive player, called their "mark". The one-on-one defense emphasizes speed, stamina, and individual positioning and reading of the field. Often players will mark the same person throughout the game, giving them an opportunity to pick up on their opponent's strengths and weaknesses as they play. One-on-one defense can also play a part role in other more complex zone defense strategies.
Zone defense
With a zone defense strategy, the defenders cover an area rather than a specific person. The area they cover moves with the disc as it progresses down the field. Zone defense is frequently used when the other team is substantially more athletic (faster) making one-on-one difficult to keep up with, because it requires less speed and stamina. It is also useful in a long tournament to avoid tiring out the team, or when it is very windy and long passes are more difficult.
A zone defense usually has two components. The first is a group of players close to the handlers who attempt to contain the disc and prevent forward movement, called the "wedge", "cup", "wall", or "clam" (depending on the specific play). These close defenders always position themselves relative to the disc, meaning that they have to move quickly as it passes from handler to handler.
The wedge is a configuration of two close defenders. One of them marks the handler with a force, and the other stands away and to the force side of the handler, blocking any throw or cut on that side. The wedge allows more defenders to play up the field but does little to prevent cross-field passes.
The cup involves three players, arranged in a semi-circular cup-shaped formation, one in the middle and back, the other two on the sides and forward. One of the side players marks the handler with a force, while the other two guard the open side. Therefore the handler will normally have to throw into the cup, allowing the defenders to more easily make blocks. With a cup, usually the center cup blocks the up-field lane to cutters, while the side cup blocks the cross-field swing pass to other handlers. The center cup usually also has the responsibility to call out which of the two sides should mark the thrower, usually the defender closest to the sideline of the field.
The wall involves four players in the close defense. One players is the marker, also called the "rabbit" or "chaser" because they often have to run quickly between multiple handlers spread out across the field. The other three defenders form a horizontal "wall" or line across the field in front of the handler to stop throws to cuts and prevent forward progress. The players in the second group of a zone defense, called "mids" and "deeps", position themselves further out to stop throws that escape the cup and fly upfield. Because a zone defense focuses defenders on stopping short passes, it leaves a large portion of the field to be covered by the remaining mid and deep players. Assuming that there are seven players on the field, and that a cup is in effect, this leaves four players to cover the rest of the field. In fact, usually only one deep player is used to cover hucks (the "deep-deep"), with two others defending the sidelines and possibly a single "mid-mid".
Alternately, the mids and deeps can play a one-to-one defense on the players who are outside of the cup or cutting deep, although frequent switching might be necessary.
 Junk defense
An ultimate frisbee junk defense is a defense using elements of both zone and man defenses; the most famous is known as the "clam" or "chrome wall". In clam defenses, ultimate defenders cover cutting lanes rather than zones of the field or individual players. The clam can be used by several players on a team while the rest are running a man defense. This defensive strategy is often referred to as "bait and switch". In this case, when the two ultimate players the defenders are covering are standing close to each other in the stack, one defender will move over to shade them deep, and the other will move slightly more towards the thrower. When one of the receivers makes a deep cut, the first defender picks them up, and if one makes an in-cut, the second defender covers them. The defenders communicate and switch their marks if their respective charges change their cuts from in to deep, or vice versa. The clam can also be used by the entire team, with different defenders covering in cuts, deep cuts, break side cuts, and dump cuts.
Spirit of the game
Ultimate is known for its "Spirit of the Game", often abbreviated SOTG. Ultimate's self-officiated nature demands a strong spirit of sportsmanship and respect. Described by the official ultimate rules established by the USA Ultimate.

Frisbee Picture

Ultimate Frisbee History
The ultimate frisbee history begins with Joel Silver, a graduate of Lafayette College, proposed a school Frisbee team on a whim in the fall of 1968. The following spring, a group of students got together to play what Silver claimed to be the "ultimate game experience," adapting the sport from a form of Frisbee football, likely learned from Jared Kass while attending a summer camp at Northfield Mount Hermon, Massachusetts where Kass was teaching. The students who played and codified the rules at Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey, were an eclectic group of students including leaders in academics, student politics, the student newspaper, and school dramatic productions. One member of the original ultimate team was Walter Sabo, who went on to be a major figure in the American radio business. The sport became identified as a counterculture activity. The first definitive history of the sport was published in December 2005, ULTIMATE: The First Four Decades.
While the rules governing movement and scoring of the disc have not changed through Frisbee History, the early Columbia High School games had sidelines that were defined by the parking lot of the school and team sizes based on the number of players that showed up. Gentlemanly behavior and gracefulness were held high. (A foul was defined as contact "sufficient to arouse the ire of the player fouled.") No referees were present, which still holds true today: all ultimate matches (even at high level events) are self-officiated. At higher levels of play 'observers' are often present. Observers only make calls when appealed to by one of the teams, at which point the result is binding.
College Ultimate Frisbee History
The first intercollegiate ultimate frisbee competition in history was held at Rutgers's New Brunswick campus between Rutgers and Princeton on November 6, 1972, the 103rd anniversary of the first intercollegiate game of American football featuring the same schools competing in the same location.
By 1975, dozens of colleges had ultimate teams, and in April 1975, players organized the first ultimate tournament, an eight-team invitational called the "Intercollegiate Ultimate Frisbee Championships," to be played at Yale. Rutgers beat Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 26-23 in the finals.
By 1976, ultimate teams were organizing in areas outside the Northeast. A 16-team single elimination tournament was set up at Amherst, Massachusetts, to include 13 East Coast teams and 3 Midwest teams. Rutgers again took the title, beating Hampshire College in the finals. Penn State and Princeton were the other semi-finalists. While it was called the "National Ultimate Frisbee Championships", ultimate was starting to appear in the Los Angeles and Santa Barbara area.
Penn State hosted the first five-region National Ultimate Championships in May 1979. There were five regional representatives: three college and two club teams. They were as follows: Cornell University-(Northeast), Glassboro State- (Middle Atlantic), Michigan State-(Central), Orlando Fling-(South), Santa Barbara Condors-(West). Each ultimate team played the other in a round robin format to produce a Glassboro-Condors final. The Condors had gone undefeated up to this point; however Glassboro prevailed 19-18 to become the 1979 national champions. They repeated as champions in 1980 as well.
The first College Nationals made up exclusively of college ultimate teams took place in 1984 in Somerville, MA. The event, hosted by the Tufts University E-Men crowned Stanford its winner, as they beat Glassboro State in the finals.
The Ultimate Frisbee History of Club and International Play
In California ultimate clubs were sprouting in the Los Angeles - Santa Barbara area, while in the east, where the sport developed at the high school and college level, the first college graduates were beginning to found club teams, such as the Philadelphia Frisbee Club, the Washington Area Frisbee Club, the Knights of Nee in New Jersey, the Hostages in Boston and so forth. Arkansas also has a few formidable teams located in the towns of Pocahontas, Newport, and Batesville.
In the same year, ultimate arrived in the United Kingdom, with the UK's first clubs forming at the University of Warwick and the University of Cambridge, and Purley high school, by the late 1970s and early 1980s there were also clubs at the University of Southampton, University of Leicester, and University of Bradford.
Some of the previous Information was derived from and
Frisbee Throws

Ultimate Frisbee Throws
Below are a list of throws commonly used in ultimate frisbee games. Although there are many other throws in the ultimate world these are probably the most common and the msot necessary throws to know.
Backhand - This is probably the most popular throw in ultimate frisbee. This is when you curl your arm around the disc and tuck it into your body then straightening your arm releasing the disc in the appropriate direction with a final flick of the wrist. The thrower should remember to step into the throw for maximum power upon release.
Forehand - A close second in popularity, the forehand, is also refered to as the flick, two-finger, and side-arm throw. Momentum comes from the flick of the wrist. This is done by holding the disc out to the side with your index and middle finger on the under side of the disc and then singing your arm forward and whipping your wrist in a motion similar to the motion of rat tailing someone with a towel.
Blade - The Blade is a flat vertical throw used to get over a defender's head. The disc is held the same as in a forehand throw and projected up and forward holding the disc perpendicular to the ground.
Overhand - The overhand is like a backwards backhand. The disc is held with four fingers on the top of the disc and your thumb underneath. The disc is then brought from behind your back around to the front with your nuckles facing up. You then flick your wrist rotating the disc counter clockwise and propelling it forward. This throw is often used for quick catch and releases such as in a "Greatest" situation.
Duck - This throw is similar to the "Overhand" throw in that you hold the disc with four fingers on top of the disc and your thumb wraps underneath, but the disc is rotated the opposite direction, however. The duck is thrown with the disc pointing towards the thrower and is then whipped with the wrist and forearm in the desired direcion of travel. Like the overhand this throw is usually only used in a quick and catch and release situation.
Hammer - The hammer is gripped just like a the forehand but the disc is then brought over head and thrusted forward and somewhat upwards with a wrist flick. The motion is very similar to throwing a baseball.
Scoober - A variant of the forehand throw, the scoober, is similar to the hammer and thrown from a backhand stance. The release of the scoober typically more flat than the release of a hammer but the flight path is very similar to the hammer. Used to throw over defenders, the scoober is usually a short 10 - 20 yard throw. While holding the disc with a forehand grip turn the disc over so it's belly side up, and bring the disc across your body. Lead the throw with your elbow and flick the disc forward.
High Release - A variation of the backhand this throw releases the disc above the throwers shoulders to get around a defender.
Thumber - The thumber gets it's name from the grip of this throw with the thumb holding the disc on the inside of the rim and the other four fingers on the top of the disc. The disc is release with an overhand or side arm making sure to flick the wrist through the finish.
Chicken Wing - Another backhand variation, the chicken wing throw, is gripped the same and released the same as the backhand but the disc is always kept on the right side of the hip (for right handers) instead of reaching across the body.

Ultimate Frisbee Terms
Backhand - usually the standard throw for ultimate players. This throw has the players fingers curled under the disc with the thumb on top. The arm is extended and brought across the left side of the body.
Bid - a failed attempt to catch or block the disc.
 Bomb - When one team breaks up an advancing teams offense and throws the ultimate disc to nobody on the opposite side of the field. This tactic is used to reset the teams offense and clear out of your own endzone.
 Bookends - When a defensive player effectively defends the disc and scores on the ensuing possession
 Brick - A pull that is untouched by the receiving team and lands out of bounds.
 Blade - A forehand throw that is thrown high in the air and falls hard and fast to the left side.
 Callahan point - ( UPA rules ) When an opposing team has their pass intercepted in their own endzone. This results in a point for the intercepting team.
 Chilly - Used to remind a player to stay calm and patient with the disc, in hopes that they do not rush a throw.
 D - Defense or Defend
 Corkscrew - a reverse hammer ( see hammer )
 Cut - integral part of a route by a receiver
 Disc in - signals the opposing the team that the disc is coming into play
 Dump - A throw to a person who is usually used as a safety valve. Normally someone that is standing close or even behind the thrower for an easy outlet.
 Foot Block - When the foot is used to block a pass immediately after it releases the players hand
 Force - A tactic used by the defending team to force the thrower into a specific type of throw, or force them to throw to a specific area of the field.
Forehand / Flick - Thrower leads with middle finger, arm never crosses the body and at the extension of the arm, the player flicks the wrist to throw the disc.
Greatest - Catching a disc out of bounds and throwing it back in bounds while still in the air.
Hack - Foul
 Hammer - A forehand grip that is thrown over the head. This throw results in the ultimate disc flying upside down before tailing off at the end of its flight.
 Handler - The person with the ultimate disc
Hospital Throw - A throw that stays in the air for a long time, allowing multiple players to be going for the disc at the same time, thus increasing the chances for injury.
 Huck - A long throw that extends at least half the distance of the field in an attempt to reach a downfield receiver
 Layout - A diving catch or diving to defend the ultimate disc
 Mark - Similar to a force, but the defender is attempting to block all possible throws by moving arms and legs to get in the way of the throw. Contact is not allowed.
 O - Offense
 Pick - Stepping in front of the disc while on defense and either catching or knocking it down
 Pull - A long throw that starts play and initiates the opposing teams possession. This is used in a similar way to the kickoff in football
 Scurvy - One of the ultimate embarrassments for a defender. It is the act of faking out the defender so bad that they believe the disc has been released.
 Sky - When a player grabs or defends the ultimate disc at a much higher point than the other players on the field
 Stack - offensive strategy that lines up offensive players one behind the other as they each break a separate way in an attempt to get open
 Swing - Throwing the ultimate disc across field usually to reset the stall count or open up a different side of the field, this throw is not necessarily intended to move the disc closer to the goal line
 Stall count - the defensive player counts up to ten, if the disc is not released before the count reaches ten, it results in a turnover
 Swill - A bad throw, usually one that does not have a lot of spin, and not likely to be caught without great effort from the receiver
 Taco - A disc that is warped, if it happens during game play, the disc is either straightened or replaced. If it is too bad to be fixed you can always get a new one at
 Turn - Short for turnover, and alerts players that the disc will be going to other way
 Up - Shouted once the disc has been released to alert the other defenders

Frisbee Disc

Ultimate Frisbee Discs
Ultimate Frisbee discs begin with the Original Wham-O Frisbee® Disc which was used when the sport was born in 1968. However, in 1981 the Discraft Ultra-Star™ was released and a decade later the Ultra-Star™ was deemed the Official disc for Ultimate in High School, College, and Professional Ultimate Players Association (now known as USA Ultimate) tournaments.
Discraft Ultra-Stars
Discraft Ultra-Stars are 175 gram Ultimate discs, 10.75 inches in diameter, and are known for their excellent contoured grip and flight consistancy despite scuffs or poor weather.
Wham-O Frisbee Discs
Wham-O Ultimate Frisbees are still approved discs by USA Ultimate (the governing body of Ultimate in the USA). And despite the differences between the Frisbee and the Ultra-Star, the two names are often now interchanged in common speech.
Innova Pulsar Ultimate Discs
The newest Ultimate Disc to professional play is the Innova Pulsar Ultimate disc. It is the official disc of Major League Ultimate (MLU) and unique in a few ways. The overall diamter of the Pulsar is lightly diminished compared to the Frisbee Disc or Ultra-Star disc and the flexibility of the plastic is a bit more ridgid.

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 7, 2014

All about Frisbee (English)

"Frisbee" redirects here. For the sport, see Ultimate Frisbee (sport). For the amusement ride, see Frisbee (ride). For the type of UFO, see Frisbee saucer. For the Italian channel, see Switchover Media#Frisbee.
A Frisbee disc with the Wham-O registered trademark "Frisbee"
A Frisbee disc is a disc-shaped gliding toy or sporting item that is generally plastic and roughly 20 to 25 centimetres (8 to 10 in) in diameter with a lip, used recreationally and competitively for throwing and catching, for example, in Frisbee disc games. The shape of the disc, an airfoil in cross-section, allows it to fly by generating lift as it moves through the air while spinning. The term Frisbee, often used to generically describe all Frisbee discs, is a registered trademark of the Wham-O company. Though such use is not encouraged by the company, the common use of the name as a generic term has put the trademark in jeopardy; accordingly, many "Frisbee" games are now known as "disc" games, like disc Ultimate Frisbee or disc golf.
Frisbee discs are thrown and caught for free-form (freestyle) recreation and as part of many Frisbee disc games. A wide range of Frisbee-disc variants are available commercially. Disc golf discs are usually smaller but denser and tailored for particular flight profiles to increase/decrease stability and distance. The longest recorded disc throw is by David Wiggins Jr. with a distance of 225.0 meters. Disc dog sports use relatively slow Frisbee discs made of more pliable material to better resist a dog's bite and prevent injury to the dog. Frisbee rings are also available; they typically travel significantly farther than any traditional Frisbee disc. There are also illuminated discs meant for nighttime play; they are made of a phosphorescent plastic or contain battery-powered light-emitting diodes. Others whistle when they reach a certain velocity in flight.
The man is playing Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee is a sport played with a disc (Frisbee). Points are scored by passing the disc to a teammate in the opposing end zone. Other basic rules are that players must not take steps while holding the disc (maintain a pivot), and interceptions and incomplete passes are turnovers. At peak play there is a higher cooperation within the striving competition. Rain, wind, or occasionally other adversities can make for a testing match, with rapid turnovers, heightening the pressure of play. A prominent feature of the modern game is the "lay out," a horizontal dive to catch or block the disc.
From its beginnings in the late 1960s US counterculture, Ultimate Frisbee has resisted empowering any referee with rule enforcement, instead relying on the sportsmanship of players and invoking the "Spirit of the Game" to maintain fair play. Players call their own fouls and dispute a foul only when they genuinely believe it did not occur. Play without referees is the norm for league play, but has been supplanted in club competition by the use of "observers" to mediate disputes, and the nascent professional leagues even employ empowered referees.
In 2012 there were 5.1 million Ultimate Frisbee players in the USA. Ultimate Frisbee is played across the world in pickup games and by recreational, school, club, and national teams at various age levels and with open, women's, and mixed tournaments. In 2013, two professional leagues were operating in North America. The 13th biennial national team World Championships were held in Sakai, Japan in July, 2012. USA won the open division, Japan won the women's tournament, Canada took the mixed and masters' titles, and the women masters' event was won by USA.
"I just remember one time running for a pass and leaping up in the air and just feeling the Frisbee making it into my hand and feeling the perfect synchrony and the joy of the moment, and as I landed I said to myself, 'This is the Ultimate Frisbee game. This is the Ultimate Frisbee game.'" (Jared Kass, one of the inventors of Ultimate Frisbee Frisbee, interviewed in 2003, speaking of the summer of 1968).

The girl in a Frisbee match

Students Joel Silver and Jared Kass, along with Jonny Hines and Buzzy Hellring, invented Ultimate Frisbee in 1967 at Columbia High School, Maplewood, New Jersey, USA (CHS). The first game was played at CHS in 1968 between the student council and the student newspaper staff. Beginning the following year evening games were played in the glow of mercury-vapor lights on the school's parking lot. Initially players of Ultimate Frisbee (as it was known at the time) used a "Master" disc marketed by Wham-O, based on Fred Morrison's inspired "Pluto Platter" design. Hellring, Silver, and Hines developed the first and second edition of "Rules of Ultimate Frisbee". In 1970 CHS defeated Milburn High 43-10 in the first interscholastic Ultimate game. CHS, Milburn, and three other New Jersey high schools made up the first conference of Ultimate teams beginning in 1971.
Alumni of that first league took the game to their colleges and universities. Rutgers defeated Princeton 29-27 in 1972 in the first intercollegiate game. This game was played exactly 103 years after the first intercollegiate American football game by the same teams at precisely the same site, which had been paved as a parking lot in the interim. Rutgers won both games by an identical margin.
Rutgers also won the first Ultimate Frisbee tournament in 1975, hosted by Yale, with 8 college teams participating. That summer Ultimate was introduced at the Second World Frisbee Championships at the Rose Bowl. This event introduced Ultimate on the west coast of the USA.
In January 1977 Wham-O introduced the World Class "80 Mold" 165 gram Frisbee. This disc quickly replaced the relatively light and flimsy Master Frisbee with much improved stability and consistency of throws even in windy conditions. Throws like the flick and hammer were possible with greater control and accuracy with this sturdier disc. The 80 Mold was used in Ultimate tournaments even after it was discontinued in 1983.
In 1979 the Ultimate Players Association (UPA) was formed with Tom Kennedy elected as director. The UPA was the first national, player-run USA Ultimate organization. Before the UPA, events were sponsored by the International Frisbee Association (IFA), a promotional arm of Wham-O.
Glassboro State College defeated the Santa Barbara Condors 19-18 at the first UPA Nationals in 1979.
Finland won the inaugural Ultimate European Championship held in Paris in 1980. England and Sweden finished second and third.

Frisbee history

"..Ultimate Frisbee combines speed, grace and powerful hurling with a grueling pace."
Ultimate is an exciting, non-contact team sport, played by thousands the world over. It mixes the best features of sports such as Soccer, Basketball, American Football and Netball into an elegantly simple yet fascinating and demanding game.
Look for an Ultimate Frisbee disc?
Product Description
Help us celebrate our change from Ultimate Disc Store to Disc Store!
The Disc Store Ultra-Star is the same disc as the other Ultra-Stars, but we're able to sell for even less because of our logo on the front. With its contoured grip and aerodynamic engineering, the Discraft Ultra-Star is easier to throw and goes farther than other Ultimate Frisbee disc brands.  This is the official Ultimate disc of USA Ultimate. Disc Store sells the cheapest priced Ultra-Stars anywhere and has the best selection of Ultimate Frisbee discs.
The 175g Ultra-Star (10.75" diameter) is the official disc of USA Ultimate and the choice of Ultimate teams worldwide for casual, league, and tournament play.  Since its introduction in 1981, the Discraft 175 has set the standards of quality, consistency, and performance necessary for the demanding needs of the sport of Ultimate Frisbee.
Longer distance:  The Discraft Ultra-Star flies further than any other Ultimate Frisbee disc.
Superior stability:  The Discraft Ultra-Star maintains your release angle longer than any other disc designed for both throwing and catching.
Advanced Aerodynamics:  With its contoured grip and aerodynamic engineering, the Discraft Ultra-Star is easier to throw at all levels of play from a throw on the beach to a World Championship Ultimate Frisbee match.

"...throw(s) vertically, horizontally, ambidexterously, over the spoiling defenders head, beneath his blocking arm, spinning, skimming, hovering before it descends..."
The Times, UK
What is the Ultimate?
The game, explained as simply as possible
Ultimate is played between two teams of seven players on a large rectangular pitch. A line drawn across the pitch at either end creates two "endzones" (like in American Football). These are the goal-scoring areas. A goal is scored when a team completes a pass to a player standing (or more likely running) in the endzone they are attacking.
The Pitch
Players cannot run with the disc. When you get the disc you must come to a stop and try to throw it to another player (a bit like netball). By passing from player to player, the offence attempts to work the disc up the pitch towards the endzone they are attacking. If the disc hits the ground or is intercepted or knocked down by the other team, then the opposition takes possession (a change of possession is called a "turnover", like American Football). Possession also changes if a receiver is outside the playing area when he or she catches it.
The defending team attempts to stop the team with the disc from making progress upfield by marking them (as in soccer or basketball). The theory is that the offence won't want to pass to a player who is being marked closely, as it's likely to result in an interception. So it boils down to the offence players trying to get free of their markers to receive a pass, while the defence makes every effort to stay with them in the hope of forcing a turnover.
Fouls and "Spirit of the Game"
Ultimate is essentially non-contact; any contact between players can be declared a foul. There's a variety of other minor violations, but that's the big one.
Ultimate is unique in that it is refereed by the players themselves, even at World Championship level, according to a code of conduct known as "the Spirit of the Game". This places the responsibility for fair play on the players themselves. In that respect, playing Ultimate is a completely different experience to playing other sports. And believe it or not, Ultimate's system of self-refereeing works. Beautifully.

Frisbee Style Glossary of Ultimate Frisbee Terminology
To throw the disc from the left side of the body for right handed players (or from the right for left handed players). The motion is similar in some respects to the backhand in tennis. (Like the 'standard' throw that non-Ultimate players may be used to).
BREAK (side, pass or cut)
The side to which the marker is trying to prevent the throw (or a pass/cut to this side).
To get out of the area where the thrower wants to pass the disc. Absolutely necessary after making an unsuccessful cut or after throwing the pass. The importance of this is often underplayed to beginners.
An attempt to get free to receive the pass. Usually starting with a body fake and/or a sudden change in direction or speed.
The team attempting to prevent a score.
Player who stands behind the thrower in order to help out (must get free for an easy pass) when the offence gets in trouble.
A series of quick passes to well timed cuts - should result in an easy score.
FORCE (or mark)
To make it as difficult as possible for the thrower to throw the disc in one direction (usually one side of the field) in an attempt to make (force) him/her to make a pass to the other side. See the relevant section for how and why this is done.
To throw the disc from the right side of the body for right handed players (or from the left for left handed players). The motion is similar in some respects to the forehand in tennis.
To be available to receive the pass. The "free player" may be unmarked or have managed to get away from his/her defender.
High overhead throw; the disc flies upside down in a parabolic type path. The grip, release etc is similar to the forehand.
This is when the defender stops the disc directly after it is released by the thrower.
A long pass; often nearly the full length of the pitch and high to a tall player in the endzone.
When the player dives the catch or intercept the disc. Also referred to as "going ho" (from going horizontal).
The most common type of defence. Each person on defense marks an offence player and attempts to stay as close as possible with the intention of getting an interception or forcing a mistake.
OPEN (side, pass or cut)
(i) The side to which the thrower is being forced (or a pass/cut to this side).
(ii) Sometimes used to describe being free to receive a pass.
When you plant your foot (left for right handers and right for left handers) and step to the side (allowing you the throw around the marker).
When a defender moves away from their marker to try and make an interception on a pass to another player.
The throw at the start of each point that initiates play.
A lateral pass across the pitch - usually does not result in any upfield movement. This is useful to gain a better position or to reset the stall count.
This is when two defenders exchange the offensive players that they are marking.
TURNOVER or change of possession
When the disc has been dropped or intercepted and the offense becomes the defense.
Area at the either end of the pitch within which a point is scored.
Many people call it a "Frisbee." Ultimate players call it a disc. ("Frisbee" is the trademarked name for one particular brand of flying disc.) The disc is part of what makes Ultimate so unique - depending on the skill of the thrower, it can be made to fly straight or in a curve, hover in mid-air or drop like a stone.
The team with possession of the disc.
POINT (or score)
When the disc is caught in the endzone by a player on the offence.
STALLING (or Stall Count)
The player holding the disc has just ten seconds to pass it to a team-mate - the defender marking the player with the disc counts to ten out loud, and if the disc has not been released on "ten" the defender takes possession. Forcing the thrower to make a less-than-ideal pass as the "stall count" nears ten is the idea behind most defensive strategies.
Start of a point
Each point begins with the two teams standing on opposite endzone lines. The team with the disc throws it as far down the pitch as they can, and the other team then takes possession where it lands.
After a point
After a team has scored a point, they keep hold of the disc and wait while the opposition walks back to the other end of the pitch. The team that scored then throws off to start the next point. This way, the teams change ends after every point.

Frisbee yard

"Throws of 100 yards, vertical leaps and horizontal dives all kept my adrenalin flowing. This was sport at its most exhilarating and dynamic."
The Times, UK
Ultimate is an exciting, non-contact team sport, played by thousands the world over. It mixes the best features of sports such as Soccer, Basketball, American Football and Netball into an elegantly simple yet fascinating and demanding game. To compete at the top level, Ultimate players require an unmatched degree of speed, stamina and agility.
Yet the simplicity of the rules means it's easy and fun for newcomers to pick up.
Oh, and by the way, it's played with a flying disc (a "Frisbee" to the man in the street).

The Frisbee Baking Company (1871-1958) of Bridgeport, Connecticut, made pies that were sold to many New England colleges. Hungry college students soon discovered that the empty pie tins could be tossed and caught, providing endless hours of game and sport. Many colleges have claimed to be the home of 'he who was first to fling.' Yale College has even argued that in 1820, a Yale undergraduate named Elihu Frisbie grabbed a passing collection tray from the chapel and flung it out into the campus, thereby becoming the true inventor of the Frisbie and winning glory for Yale. That tale is unlikely to be true since the words 'Frisbie's Pies' was embossed in all the original pie tins and from the word 'Frisbie' was coined the common name for the toy.
In 1948, a Los Angeles building inspector named Walter Frederick Morrison and his partner Warren Franscioni invented a plastic version of the Frisbie that could fly further and with better accuracy than a tin pie plate. Morrison's father was also an inventor, who invented the automotive sealed-beam headlight. Another interesting tidbit was that Morrison had just returned to America after World War II, where he had been a prisoner in the infamous Stalag 13. His partnership with Warren Franscioni, who was also a war veteran, ended before their product had achieved any real success.
Morrison (after his split with Franscioni) produced a plastic Frisbie called the Pluto Platter, to cash in on the growing popularity of UFOs with the American public. The Pluto Platter has become the basic design for all Frisbies. The outer third of the Frisbie disc is called the 'Morrison Slope', listed in the patent. Rich Knerr and A.K. 'Spud' Melin were the owners of a new toy company called 'Wham-O'. Knerr and Melin also marketed the Hula-Hoop, the Super Ball and the Water Wiggle. They pair first saw Morrison's Pluto Platter in late 1955. They liked what they saw and convinced Morrison to sell them the rights to his design. With a deal signed, Wham-O began production (1/13/1957) of more Pluto Platters. The next year, the original Frisbie Baking Company shut down and coincidentally Fred Morrison was awarded a patent (Design patent 183,626) for his flying disc. Morrison received over one million dollars in royalties for his invention.
The word 'Frisbee' is pronounced the same as the word 'Frisbie'. Rich Knerr (Wham-O) was in search of a catchy new name to help increase sales, after hearing about the original use of the terms 'Frisbie' and 'Frisbie-ing'. He borrowed from the two words to create the registered trademark Frisbee ®. Sales soared for the toy, due to Wham-O's clever marketing of Frisbee playing as a new sport. In 1964, the first professional model went on sale. Ed Headrick was the inventor at Wham-O who patented Wham-O's designs for the modern Frisbee (U.S. patent 3,359,678). Ed Headrick's Frisbee with its band of raised ridges called the Rings of Headrick had stablized flight as opposed to the wobbly flight of its predecessor the Pluto Platter.
In 1967, high school students in Maplewood, New Jersey, invented Ultimate Frisbee, a recognized sport that is a cross between football, soccer and basketball. Ten years later, a form of Frisbee golf was introduced, complete with professional playing courses and associations.
Another Great Frisbee Moment: In 1968, the U.S. Navy spends almost $400,000 to study Frisbees in wind tunnels, following their flights with computers and cameras, and building a special Frisbee-launching machine on top of a Utah cliff to test a prototype flare launcher.
Today the fifty year old Frisbee® is owned by Mattel Toy Manufacturers, only one of at least sixty manufacturers of flying discs. Wham-O sold over one hundred million units before the selling the toy to Mattel.
Disc Golf
Ed Headrick, owner of the Disc Golf Association, Inc.® founded the game of Disc Golf in 1976. The sport is played by an estimated two million recreational players in the United States and increasing. Headrick's inventions include the Wham-O Superball that sold over twenty-million units and the utility patent for the modern day Frisbee, which has sold over two-hundred-million units to date. Mr. Headrick led the Advertising program, New Products program, was Vice President of Research and Development, Executive Vice President, General Manager and served as CEO for Wham-O Inc. over a ten year period. The patent drawing at the top of this article is from U.S. patent 3,359,678 - issued to Headrick on December 26, 1967.

History Frisbee

History of the Frisbee
The Frisbie Pie Company
In 1871, in the wake of the Civil War, William Russell Frisbie moved from Bransford, Connecticut, where his father, Russell, had operated a successful grist mill, to Bridgeport, Connecticut. Hired to manage a new bakery, a branch of the Olds Baking Company of New Haven, he soon bought it outright and named it the Frisbie Pie Company (363 Kossuth Street). W.R. died in 1903 and his son, Joseph P., manned the ovens until his death in 1940. Under his direction the small company grew from six to two hundred and fifty routes, and shops were opened in Hartford, Connecticut; Poughkeepsie, New York; and Providence, Rhode Island. His widow, Marian Rose Frisbie, and long-time plant manager, Joseph J. Vaughn, baked on until August 1958 and reached a zenith production of 80,000 pies per day in 1956.
In this otherwise simple baking operation we find the origin of the earliest Frisbee! Now the company offered a variety of bakery goodies, including pies and cookies, and therein resides the roots of the controversy. For there are two crusty schools concerning Frisbee's origins: the Pie-Tin School and the Cookie- Tin School, each camp holding devoutly to its own argument.
The Pie-Tin School. The pie-tin people claim Yale students bought Frisbie's pies (undoubtedly a treat in themselves) and tossed the prototype all over Eli's campus. These early throwers would exclaim "Frisbie" to signal the catcher. And well they might, for a tin Frisbee is something else again to catch.
The Cookie-Tin School. Now the cookie tin people agree on these details save one: they insist that the true, original prototype was the cookie-tin lid that held in the goodness of Frisbie's sugar cookies.
Walter Frederick Morrison
Walter Frederick Morrison, the son of the inventor of the automotile sealed-beam headlight, returned home after World War II, finishing his European campaign as a prisoner in the now famous Stalag 13. He worked for a while as a carpenter, but like his father, he had an inventive mind. The time was 1948; flying saucers from outer space were beginning to capture people's imagination. Why not turn the concern into a craze? As a Utah youth, he scaled pie tins, paint-can lids, and the like. He remembered those pleasurable moments and his mind turned to perfecting the pie tin into a commercial product. First, he welded a steel ring inside the rim to improve the plate's stability, but without success. In a surge of serendipity, he adopted the child of the times--plastic. Plastic was the ideal stuff for Frisbee, It seems impossible to imagine anything better. And, perhaps, Frisbee is plastic's finest form.
Initially, Morrison used a butyl stearate blend. He recalls: "It worked fine as long as the sun was up, but then the thing got brittle, and if you didn't catch it, it would break into a million pieces!
The original Morrison's Flyin' Saucer was his accurate vane model, named for the six topside curved spoilers (vanes). They were designed to improve lift by facilitating the Bernoulli principle, which they didn't. Curiously, the spoilers were on backwards; that is, they would theoretically work only for a counterclockwise spin.
The Pluto Platter
In 1951 Morrison vastly improved his model and the design, unchanged, served as Wham-O's legendary Pluto Platter. The Pluto Platter is the basic design for all succeeding Frisbees. Credit Fred Morrison for his farsightedness. The outer third of the disc, his fundamental design feature, is appropriately named the Morrison Slope.
The Morrison Pluto Platter has the first true cupola (cabin in Morrison's terms). The UFO influence colored the design. The cabin had portholes! The planet ring hinted at an extraterrestrial origin.
Rich Knerr and A.K."Spud" Melin fresh from the University of Southern California were making slingshots in their fledgling toy company when they first saw Morrison's flying saucers whizzing around southern California beaches. They were interested in this exciting simple thing that employed the basic principles of physics, primary ingredients in all their products to come. In late 1955, they cornered Morrison while he was hawking his wares and tying up traffic on Broadway in downtown Los Angeles. Just before he was asked to break it up by the local gendarmerie, the dynamic duo invited his to their San Gabriel factory and made him a proposition.
Thus, fling saucers landed on the West Coast in San Gabriel, and on January 13, 1957, they began to fly out from a production line that has since sent over one hundred million sailing all over the globe.
"At first the saucers had trouble catching on," Rich Knerr reminisces, "but we were confident they were good, so we sprinkled them in different parts of the country to prime the market." On a trip to the campuses of the Ivy League, Knerr first heard the term "Frisbee." Harvard students said they'd tossed pie tins about for years, and called it Frisbie-ing. Knerr liked the terms Frisbie and Frisbie-ing, so he borrowed them. Having no idea of the historical origins, he spelled the saucer "Frisbee", phonetically correct, but one vowel away from the Frisbie Pie Company.
From: Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee

United States Olympic Committee recognises USA Ultimate
WFDF is pleased to announce that USA Ultimate (USAU) was recognized by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) on 10 June 2014 as a USOC Recognized Sport Organization.
“We are extremely excited to hear the news about the formal recognition of USA Ultimate, WFDF’s largest member association, by the United States Olympic Committee,” stated WFDF President Robert “Nob” Rauch. “This is an important acknowledgement of the successful role USAU plays in organizing the entire gamut of Ultimate events in the US from elite competition to grass roots development.  It is also another confirmation from the Olympic Movement that our focus on ‘spirit of the game’ is seen as a selling point and not a hindrance to acceptance in the world of sport.”
USA Ultimate joins the growing number of member associations of WFDF which are recognized by their NOCs, including Chinese Taipei, Finland, Hong Kong China, Hungary, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Switzerland and the United States.
“We anticipate that we will be able to make further such announcements in the near future and are confident that this increasing integration of our national members in the Olympic Movement through their NOCs will strengthen our case for full recognition by the International Olympic Committee in 2015,” added Rauch.  WFDF’s permanent recognition will be voted upon during the 128th IOC Session to be held in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, being held from July 30 to August 3, 2015.
Dr. Tom Crawford, USAU Chief Executive Officer (CEO), stated “After two years of working our way through the application process, and many hours of working closely with the United States Olympic Committee, we are thrilled to be welcomed into the Olympic family.  We are now sitting at the table with all of the top sports organizations in the USA which will not only help us grow our sport, but will help continue to build our growing reputation as a world class sports organization and enhance the status of our sport in the U.S.  We will also continue to work closely with WFDF on their relationship with the IOC and other international opportunities.”

About Frisbee

Everything about Ultimate Frisbee, in one awesome place.
Here at the Ultimate Frisbee HQ you will learn everything you need to know about the wonderful sport of Ultimate Frisbee. Learn plays, tips, strategy, throws, vocabulary, and way more. Any question you have, we probably have an answer. Our goal is to teach YOU in just a few minutes what it takes Ultimate pro’s years to learn. This is where you become a better player. This is the Ultimate Frisbee HQ.
What is Ultimate Frisbee?
Ultimate Frisbee 3 Guys jumping Ultimate Frisbee, or just Ultimate, is a non-contact sport that is spreading rapidly across the globe. Ultimate is played with a Frisbee instead of a traditional air-filled ball like most sports.  The field is made up of a playing area and two end zones, similar to a Football field, with two teams of seven that compete against one another.  What really sets Ultimate aside is the culture that surrounds it.  All players follow the golden rule, treat Corey Vaccaro Ultimate Frisbee others how you would want to be treated.  This is known as the Spirit of The Game and it runs deep in every Ultimate player.  While still remaining competitive, Ultimate is a sport for all ages and skill levels that offers fun, exercise, and enjoyment.
The sport of Ultimate has become popular because of it’s simplicity, competitiveness, and overall respect for the game and others around.  Ultimate has been around for barely 40 years and yet it has proven its potential by spreading to colleges, high schools, and towns everywhere.  With over 130,000 registered players worldwide and growing rapidly Ultimate Frisbee will truly be the sport of the future.
How to play Ultimate Frisbee?
Ultimate Frisbee crazy bid layout The rules of Frisbee are relatively simple.  The main objective is to make it to the Point Cap before your opponent by catching the Frisbee in the end zone.  A team will work together to try and get the Frisbee down the field as efficiently as possible by the use of various Throws. When holding the Frisbee one cannot move, they can only Pivot on one foot until they release the disc.  When not holding the disc one must run and Cut through the field trying to get open to complete a pass.  This is repeated until a catch is made in the end zone. With every point made the teams switch sides to score in the opposite end zone.
To start the game or a new point both teams will line up on the end zones they are trying to defend.  The defensive team will Pull the disc to the other team to start play.  The other team will have possession until the disc gets defended, thrown out-of-bounds, or if there is a turnover.  If a turnover occurs, the team that initially pulled the disc is now on offense.  This team tries to work the disc up field to score. This is repeated until the team with the best passes, catches, and strategy win the game.  These rules are just the basics.  Check out Rules and How To Play which breaks down the entire sport of Ultimate Frisbee into ten easy categories.
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Ultimate, or Ultimate Frisbee, combines the non-stop movement and athletic endurance of soccer with the aerial passing skills of football, and positioning and defense of basketball.  A game of Ultimate is played by two seven-player squads with a high-tech plastic disc on a field similar to football. The object of the game is to score by catching a pass in the opponent’s end zone. A player must stop running while in possession of the disc, but may pivot and pass to any of the other receivers on the field. Games are normally played to 15 points, and halftime occurs when the first team reaches eight points.
Ultimate is a transition game in which players move quickly from offense to defense on turnovers that occur with a dropped pass, an interception, a pass out of bounds, or when a player is caught holding the disc for more than ten seconds. Ultimate is governed by Spirit of the Game, a tradition of sportsmanship that places the responsibility for fair play on the players rather than referees. Ultimate is played in more than 42 countries by hundreds of thousands of men and women, girls and boys.
Product Description
The white Ultra-Star is the most popular disc we sell. With its contoured grip and aerodynamic engineering, the Discraft Ultra-Star is easier to throw and goes farther than other Ultimate Frisbee disc brands.  This is the official Ultimate disc of USA Ultimate. Disc Store sells the cheapest priced Ultra-Stars anywhere and has the best selection of Ultimate Frisbee discs.
The 175g Ultra-Star (10.75" diameter) is the official disc of USA Ultimate and the choice of Ultimate teams worldwide for casual, league, and tournament play.  Since its introduction in 1981, the Discraft 175 has set the standards of quality, consistency, and performance necessary for the demanding needs of the sport of Ultimate Frisbee.
Longer distance:  The Discraft Ultra-Star flies further than any other Ultimate Frisbee disc.
Superior stability:  The Discraft Ultra-Star maintains your release angle longer than any other disc designed for both throwing and catching.
Advanced Aerodynamics:  With its contoured grip and aerodynamic engineering, the Discraft Ultra-Star is easier to throw at all levels of play from a throw on the beach to a World Championship Ultimate Frisbee match.

About Frisbee Disc
Hello, I am The Frisbee Disc and I was born in 1955 as The Pluto Platter. In 1957 inspiration struck in the form of the Frisbee Pie Pan and then in 1958 I became The Frisbee!! Tag along on my journey from now till then and have some fun on the way!
Company Overview
My story started in college in the late 19th century, where students weren’t just attending to their studies! Students at Yale and other New England universities played catch with pie plates (some say it was cookie tin lids) made by the nearby Frisbee Baking Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut. They yelled “Frisbee!” to warn passersby’s of the spinning discs flying through the air. In 1948, Walter Morrison and his partner Warren Franscioni, created a plastic version to sell at county fairs. The airfoil at the outer edge, called the Morrison slope, gives the toy its lift in flight. Hoping to cash in on the fascination with UFOs after the 1947 sightings in Roswell, New Mexico, Morrison called his creation the “Flying Saucer,” then the “Pluto Platter.” Our founders, Arthur “Spud” Melin and Richard Knerr (creators of the Hula Hoop), bought the rights to the toy in 1955, and renamed it “Frisbee” in 1958. Early in the 1960s, people treated the flying disc as a counterculture sport and wow did this craze take off! Our first “professional” Frisbee followed in 1964, enthusiasts founded the International Frisbee Association in 1967, and the next year, the Frisbee Golf Tournament began in California. Also in 1967, some New Jersey teenagers invented Ultimate Frisbee, a game that is still played enthusiastically today. All this attention for Frisbees certainly made it a hot commodity-sales reached 100 million Frisbees by 1994 and they’re still going strong. Go out and grab a Frisbee that will soar through the clouds. Just remember-it’s not a state of the art flying disc if it’s not a Frisbee!
General information
From Frisbee Hanoi

Play Frisbee, have fun!

The speed... the spirit... the excitement of Ultimate!
Discraft is passionate about Ultimate, and that's why the Discraft 175 gram UltraStar has been the world standard for Ultimate since 1991. Today there are 4.9 million Ultimate players in the U.S. alone, and virtually all of them throw the UltraStar.
The History
Discraft's 175 gram UltraStar Sportdisc was created and introduced to tournament play in 1981. Ten years later the UltraStar was selected as the official disc of USA Ultimate, a position that it has held for over 20 years.
Additional UltraStar Mold Approved For Championship Level Competition
USA Ultimate has announced the championship level of approval for a second UltraStar mold. Known as the "Web" mold, it is an exact clone of the original with exception of some different text engraving. After rigorous testing by the USA Ultimate's Flight Test Pool, discs created from the Web mold were given the nod. The result for players will be improved customer service and more custom printing choices.
"What has become known as the UltraStar Web Mold was engineered to exacting specifications in order to help us meet the growing demands of the Ultimate community" said Pad Timmons, Director of Discraft Ultimate Operations. "Regardless of which mold your disc came from, you are throwing the UltraStar; same performance, same flight, same feel, same consistency. USA Ultimate’s Flight Test Pool results are a testament to that consistency, and we are excited over this new opportunity to increase production and better serve the athletes." More...

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